With the Oscars coming up on Sunday evening and everyone making predictions of their own, I have decided to make my predictions as well (for most of the categories). Some were a little harder to decide than others:
Best Picture
Here's how I, personally, rank the 9 nominees:
1. Argo
2. Lincoln
3. Silver Linings Playbook
4. Django Unchained
5. Life of Pi
6. Les Miserables
7. Beasts of the Southern Wild
8. Zero Dark Thirty
9. Amour
Who Will Win: The winner will probably be Argo, but Lincoln could give it a run for its money. It could go either way. The only dark horse, in my opinion, would be Silver Linings Playbook. The other films were great, but knowing these Academy voters, I'm pretty sure none of them will have a chance.
Who Should Win: Argo
Best Actor
-Daniel Day-Lewis (Lincoln)
-Bradley Cooper (Silver Linings Playbook)
-Hugh Jackman (Les Miserables)
-Joaquin Phoenix (The Master)
-Denzel Washington (Flight)
Who Will Win: Daniel Day-Lewis
Who Should Win: Daniel Day-Lewis
Best Actress
-Emmanuelle Riva (Amour)
-Jessica Chastain (Zero Dark Thirty)
-Jennifer Lawrence (Silver Linings Playbook)
-Quvenzhane Wallis (Beasts of the Southern Wild)
-Naomi Watts (The Impossible)
Who Will Win: Jennifer Lawrence
Who Should Win: Emmanuelle Riva
Best Supporting Actor
-Alan Arkin (Argo)
-Philip Seymour Hoffman (The Master)
-Tommy Lee Jones (Lincoln)
-Robert DeNiro (Silver Linings Playbook)
-Christoph Waltz (Django Unchained)
Who Will Win: Robert DeNiro or Tommy Lee Jones
Who Should Win: Robert DeNiro or Tommy Lee Jones
Best Supporting Actress
-Amy Adams (The Master)
-Sally Field (Lincoln)
-Helen Hunt (The Sessions)
-Jacki Weaver (Silver Linings Playbook)
-Anne Hathaway (Les Miserables)
Who Will Win: Anne Hathaway
Who Should Win: Anne Hathaway
Animated Feature
-Wreck-It Ralph
-The Pirates! Band of Misfits
Who Will Win: Wreck-It Ralph or Brave
Who Should Win: Frankenweenie
-Anna Karenina
-Django Unchained
-Life of Pi
Who Will Win: Life of Pi
Who Should Win: Life of Pi or Lincoln
Costume Design
-Anna Karenina
-Les Miserables
-Mirror Mirror
-Snow White and the Huntsman
Who Will Win: Les Miserables
Who Should Win: Anna Karenina
-Steven Spielberg (Lincoln)
-Ang Lee (Life of Pi)
-David O. Russell (Silver Linings Playbook)
-Michael Haneke (Amour)
-Benh Zeitlin (Beasts of the Southern Wild)
Who Will Win: This is a tough one this year since there is no front runner. However, it will probably be either Steven Spielberg (Lincoln) or Ang Lee (Life of Pi), but I'm leaning more towards Spielberg.
Who Should Win: Ben Affleck (Argo)--oh wait, he wasn't nominated. Umm, then Steven Spielberg, I guess.
Film Editing
-Life of Pi
-Silver Linings Playbook
-Zero Dark Thirty
Who Will Win: Argo
Who Should Win: Argo
Foreign Film
-Amour (Austria)
-Kon-Tiki (Norway)
-No (Chile)
-A Royal Affair (Denmark)
-War Witch (Canada)
Who Will Win: Amour
Who Should Win: Amour
Makeup and Hairstyling
-The Hobbit
-Les Miserables
Who Will Win: The Hobbit
Who Should Win: Les Miserables
Original Score
-Anna Karenina
-Life of Pi
Who Will Win: Life of Pi
Who Should Win: Lincoln
Original Song
-"Before My Time" from Chasing Ice
-"Everybody Needs a Best Friend" from Ted
-"Pi's Lullaby" from Life of Pi
-"Skyfall" from Skyfall
-"Suddenly" from Les Miserables
Who Will Win: "Skyfall" from Skyfall
Who Should Win: "Pi's Lullaby" from Life of Pi (sorry)
Production Design
-Anna Karenina
-The Hobbit
-Les Miserables
-Life of Pi
Who Will Win: Anna Karenina
Who Should Win: Life of Pi or Lincoln
Sound Editing
-Django Unchained
-Life of Pi
-Zero Dark Thirty
Who Will Win: Life of Pi
Who Should Win: Life of Pi or Skyfall
Sound Mixing
-Les Miserables
-Life of Pi
Who Will Win: Les Miserables
Who Should Win: Les Miserables or Life of Pi
Visual Effects
-The Hobbit
-Life of Pi
-The Avengers
-Snow White and the Huntsman
Who Will Win: Life of Pi
Who Should Win: Life of Pi
Adapted Screenplay
-Beasts of the Southern Wild
-Life of Pi
-Silver Linings Playbook
Who Will Win: Argo
Who Should Win: Lincoln
Original Screenplay
-Django Unchained
-Moonrise Kingdom
-Zero Dark Thirty
Who Will Win: Amour or Django Unchained
Who Should Win: Django Unchained
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